Busse Design can provide a range of additional services to bring the user into the design process.



Heuristic Analysis

In a Heuristic Analysis, Busse Design’s usability experts will review your website or application to surface usability issues.  We identify thematic issues and rank them based on their severity.  We also review the application from a visual perspective and provide general feedback on how the design may impact usability.  In the end, we provide a report of these issues and provide high-level recommendations.

Heuristic Analyses are typically done during the Discovery phase of a project, or they serve as a good tool to scope a website or application redesign.

Contextual Inquiry

During a Contextual Inquiry, we observe users in their environment using your application or website.  Through observation and interviews, we learn how users are using your product, what users’ pain points are, and where your product meets their expectations.  At the end of a Contextual Inquiry, we will provide a Findings and Recommendations report.   Contextual Inquiries can take place during the Discovery phase of a project, or during the Interaction Design phase to test our design suggestions.



Formal Usability Study

For a more complex or holistic analysis of a website or application, a professional moderator will host a study in a usability lab to test how users use your current product or our redesign.  The final deliverable of this study is a comprehensive report of our findings along with video recording of the session.

Learn more about our UX Design Services and Development Services.

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